Atlas adjustment The atlas is the first cervical vertebra, ring-shaped, which carries the skull, transfers and distributes its weight to the cervical spine and participates in the movements of the head in relation to the neck. Childbirth, blows to the head, falls, neck jerks, sleeping on the stomach, improper posture in sitting and standing can move the Atlas a few millimeters up or...
Pain distracts and limits you?
Pain distracts and limits you?
What is Chiropractic? Literally translated from the ancient Greek language, chiropractic means manual adjustment or adjusting with the hands. It is a method as old as medicine, it developed in parallel throughout history like medicine, and today it is an integral part of modern musculoskeletal medicine. Chiropractic is science, skill and art at the same time. It is a fast, efficient and economical method. Chiropractors with their own hands...
What is Sciatica? Sciatica (Sciatica or lumbosciatica) in the narrower sense of the word is pain that occurs along the sciatic nerve. Patients most often describe it as a severe pain in the hip and leg that goes to the foot. How to recognize sciatica? The pain can radiate from the lower back, down the leg, to the feet and toes. That pain is moderate and sometimes so pronounced that...
What is a herniated disc? Intervertebral disks are shock absorbers that are located between the spinal vertebrae (practically from the second cervical vertebra all the way to the sternum) and their task is to reduce the load to which our spine is exposed in everyday life activities. Disc herniation (herniated disc) is a loosening and bulging of the intervertebral disc...
Pain in the shoulder Painful shoulder or Periarthritis humeroscapularis (abbreviated PAHS) is inflammation of the soft tissues around the shoulder joint, which is accompanied by pain in the shoulder. Pain originates from inflammation of tendons, tendon sheaths, adhesions, bursae and muscles. Overstrain due to long-term activities that involve using the hand above shoulder level, such as washing windows, hanging curtains or laundry, dusting...
What is Gonarthrosis? Gonarthrosis (Osteoarthritis of the knee) is a degenerative disease of the knee joint and represents the progressive softening, deterioration and death of the joint cartilage. With aging, cartilage naturally loses its quality and degenerates, but this process can be accelerated by injuries, operations, inflammation, diseases and joint deformations (x or o legs). Also excessive workloads in work and sports and obesity can...
Neck headache Neck or cervicogenic headache is a headache caused by irritation of the neck structure. It is a headache associated with neck pain and stiffness that worsens with certain positions or movements of the neck. Most often, it is a one-sided, constant, moderate to severe headache, which starts at the back of the neck and the back of the head and can radiate forward to the forehead, temples...
What is spondylosis? Spondylosis represents degenerative changes of the spine due to aging and is popularly known as ossification. As we age, the quality and resistance of the tissue decreases, the ability of the spine to bear the load decreases and the vertebrae, discs, intervertebral joints and ligaments thicken and change shape. Considering that the process of aging and decay is slow...