What is spondylosis?

Spondylosis represents degenerative changes of the spine due to aging and is popularly known as ossification.

As we age, the quality and resistance of the tissue decreases, the ability of the spine to bear the load decreases and the vertebrae, discs, intervertebral joints and ligaments thicken and change shape. Since the process of aging and decay is slow, the symptoms that arise as a result of the spine's inability to withstand daily stress develop gradually.

At first, there are dull pains in the neck and back, which are accompanied by stiffness. Usually, the pain occurs after some load, sitting or walking for a long time and disappears with lying down and rest. In the morning, stiffness is present, which disappears as soon as we move a little, stretch or stretch.

Over time, the pain becomes stronger and the pain remains present even at rest. If the degenerative changes become pronounced to the extent that they press on the nerves and blood vessels, then headache, dizziness, fainting, pain or tingling along the arm or leg, muscle weakness, difficulty walking and daily life activities may occur.

Spondylosis is something we cannot avoid because the aging process is inevitable. But what we can influence is to balance our spinal column, to provide ourselves with pain-free and healthy mobility and thereby dramatically improve the quality of life in old age.

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